There comes a point in our lives that we do things not because we WANT to..but because we NEED to..and at times., that's what was asked of us to do..we yield., we give in., trying to convince ourselves that it's for the best...or is it?..we thought that we can keep all the pain inside., that we can be numb and stay away in silence...we try hard., but then., when the pain is just too much to bear..we blurt out., just couldn't hold it anymore within..we say and do things that are beyond reason..our battered heart is the one talking..which sometimes., leads us to do more than what's necessary...we succumb to the painful realities of LIFE..and LOVE..
Life may seem to be unfair at times., but that's just how it is..we have to LIVE with it..because LIFE can't be LIVED to its fullest if we will just stay put and try to avoid getting hurt...take the risks., feel the PAIN..LIVE really do sucks at times..but we just have to face LIFE upfront., look it straight in the eye...keeping the FAITH that everything will turn out fine..hoping that we do the right thing., even when it feels otherwise...LIVE the PAIN of LIVING...FEEL the HURT of LOVING...